Monday, September 17, 2007


Its funny to me how things change so fast, as cliche as it might sound, i feel like it was just yesterday when we went to CIY and I was asking Shannon Hill to sign off on getting myself a tattoo (not one of my finest moments for sure). In even the past 4 months i feel have been a time of change, not necessarily bad ones, but all the same it happens. I was listening to Hopper speak on Sunday, and I miss him, he is the BEST youth pastor i have ever known, and now going on to the Mission myspace and seeing how amazing he is doing at his new position it is just amazing how that change did so many good things. Its fun to see him up there talking, it really made me miss him. School started, and learning the responsibility of even something as simple as going to class has been hard for me. I guess it is just weird the difference 4 months can make. That is pretty much all I have to say. I hope everybody is doing great!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I know what you mean! Change is a funny thing. I think that sometimes we think when things change that something bad has to have happened. But as you get older you realize that sometimes things just change. Situations, dynamics, relationships, lessons, all of it just changes... I think a better word would be "grows". I think you are growing... we are growing. I am excited that God is teaching you things! P.S. That is the difference between change and growing. Love you!