Friday, June 29, 2007

1.the first 2 letters of your name

2.the first letter of your name

3.the letter i

4.double the 4th letter in your name

5.the letter a

6.put it all together

ha pronounce that!

Monday, June 25, 2007


okay so tonight was VBS. It was so cute! if you don't know what it is it is Vacation Bible School. First off, the outfits for it were so cute, its country themed so we got a cute brown shirt a bandanna and a cowboy hat.
I flukely got to work with Beca and that made it alot more fun! The kids are really cute, and the dance moves for the music is darling! I had alot of fun. Tomorrow is water day so i cant wait!

Oh and I've been keeping up on reading. (:

ohhhhh and Alyssa posted about the Even Almighty thing, i really think it is cool. Everyone should go check it out. Just look at the site at least. It doesn't take long and its super easy.

Project: To take pictures of VBS and post them on here.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Well today I went to the late service at Northside with Karen, and Lito spoke. I LOVE when Lito speaks, he is hysterical. He talked about evangelizing, and the one thing that stuck with me is when he said to build relationships with people. I am not really good at walking up to a complete stranger and shoving God in their face, I could much more see myself as one who goes up to them and start a relationship. It was a really good service.

Then this afternoon i went to New Hopes college group. I REALLY liked it. It was a lot smaller than ours, and very personal. It was more of a bible study than a college group. I could see myself going to both Northside college group and this service. The only problem is it starts at 6 and goes til 8. So it is right in the middle of Encounter. ): So i don't know if i will be attending Encounter anymore. My schedule for church right now looks like this: Sunday: i will attend the 10:30 service, then New Hopes college group. Tuesday: 7:30-9 will PROBABLY attend Northsides College group.

I think i like both of the college groups for different reasons. I LOVE Ryan Pinier (sp?) when he speaks. He is very convicting. And i liked the feel of a smaller church, it was more intimate.

Project: To Pray ALOT more.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


I am reading out of the Message bible, that is why it sounds a little more different.

Still In Proverbs, but almost done!!

18-19 People who shrug off deliberate deceptions, saying, "I didn't mean it, I was only joking,"Are worse than careless campers who walk away from smoldering campfires.

This is Proverbs 26: 18-19.

Today i woke up and started to finish proverbs. It is a great book, i have really enjoyed the simplicity of it. This quote stuck out to me because there are many times i say mean things, and shrug it off afterwards by saying "I was only Joking". But it says in the bible not to say these things. Proverbs 26 also talks about fools, it actually scared me because i would hope in Gods eyes he would not see me as a fool..

Lesson Learned: Think before you say things, and posses the wisdom God has for you.

Project: Still trying to write everyday and keep in God's word.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Proverbs 22 vs. 24-25

24-25 Don't hang out with angry people; don't keep company with hotheads.Bad temper is contagious— don't get infected.

So lately, Ive just kinda been off. I haven't really been reading my bible, and not really been in prayer. But last night i got super convicted to change my ways, so today i decided i would put God first in everything i do. When i woke up i read my bible, and read this proverb and its about the 30 guidelines almost. Well this was number 2 or 3, and I thought to myself I get angry far too much. And it says in the bible not to hang out with angry people, who would want to hang out with someone that is angry? or better yet why would i want to hang out with people who are easily angered. It got me very convicted, and i decided that i NEED to change how i think about anger, and how i manage it. I need to CARE more about my relationship with God and i need to work on it. I have been so wrapped up in my own things i have forgotten to realize what really matters to me, and to handle situations alot better.

Lesson Learned: God did NOT create me to be angry.

Project: To read every day and write on Blog what i have learned. Use Blogger almost as accountability from myself to read everyday.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Okay. So i've been trying to figure out what i want to do for the next couple of years. I was talking to my mom trying to decide where i want to live. I am kinda in a dilemma. Right now, i want to move and get away from Fresno, and my aunt wants me to move up to Portland with her and go to city college there, and i would be her kids nanny and she would pay me. So if i did that i would be set financially, i would be able to start new, and it would be so nice to be with my cousins. But i also don't know if in 3 months i will still be feeling the same way.
Maybe i am just feeling this way because i just want a break, but in August i will really want to stay in Fresno. And usually i would wait it out til August to make my decision, but i have to pay for Fresno City college on the 21st. So i have 8 days to decide. ):

So if you guys could pray for me that would be great.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

I'm Done!! (:

This is my beautiful niece!! I went up to visit her this past weekend and i feel in love. My baba is doing such a great job at raising her. I am very proud. Her graduation was so much fun. These are just some pictures of my 2nd family and the graduation! I love all of these people!!