Wednesday, December 27, 2006

So i am finally updating. (:

Umm alot has been going on in the past week... God has blessed me with a new friend who i can share my testomony with and help her. And its nice to be able to use what i have gone through and the choices i have made to help someone else. And the funny thing is my relationship with God is getting stronger, she is helping me as much as I am helping her.. telling her why i changed my ways reminds me of how much i LOVE my life now, and how GREAT our God is, and how much i dont ever want to go back to the past. Its a great feeling, and I am very excited to see what God has instore for this person. (:

Umm other than that, I would really like to talk about how amazing miss Danica Overton is. She is such an amazing Worship leader. It gives me chills when i see her on stage glorifying the Lord. I'm so proud of her. She has grown so much over the past year with her music, and I couldnt be more excited for her, and what opportunities she will have in her life. I am truely inspired by her.

Okay thats all. I hope everyone had a great Christmas! here are some pictures from mine.